Writing and managing content in Ghost, an advanced guide

A full overview of all the features built into the Ghost editor, including powerful workflow automations to speed up your creative process.

2 years ago

Sample Post page with all size images and gallery

Our main focus in building the Ghost editor is to try and make as many things that you hope/expect might work: actually work.

3 years ago

#EP-12 Learn the truth about studio

People still associate podcasting with the days of boom boxes...

4 years ago

#EP-10 Five disadvantages of studio

But this is a relatively new trend, and there are still some...

4 years ago

#EP-7 Ten top reasons why you face obstacles

For lots bold, the domed of on government through have

4 years ago

Start here for a quick overview of everything you need to know

We've crammed the most important information to help you get started with Ghost into this one post. It's your cheat-sheet to get started, and your shortcut to advanced features.

4 years ago